
Workshops are an opportunity to make big shifts in a short period of time. The learning that comes while being connected to others leverages our neurobiological hardwiring.

Togetherness, community, belonging are not just things that are nice to have, they are biologically required for our happiness. It’s science. We are hardwired for connection.

And it is in connection with other people that we made up our negative self-talk. I wasn’t 5 years old sitting on my couch at home by myself when I decided “I’m really too much. I should dim my light, then others will like me more”. No, I got that idea from an interaction with another person, and that is how I will heal it. In connection with another person.

The workshops I lead include fun, humor, and honest, real moments. They are personal and professional development at its finest, presented on a foundation of counselling psychology. Here are some recent workshop topics:

  • Relationships
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Goal-Setting
  • Communication
  • Emotional Eating
  • Self-Love

I also have the privilege to work with Excellence Seminars International, a personal and professional development company that offers the Excellence Series. Many of you have either personally attended or heard of their most well-known program, the Pursuit of Excellence.

I currently lead the Advancement of Excellence, an eight week personal and professional development course. Over two weekends and 6 weekly meetings, participants get clear about what is most important and use strong support networks to help them get more of what they want in their lives. Results based, the program helps participants live their lives authentically with an emerging sense of self-fulfillment and potential. They learn to “walk the talk” and apply concepts like conflict resolution, accountability and responsibility.

For more information on the Excellence Series, visit

It was our good fortune to have Christina Bianchini speak at The H.O.M.E Society’s very first Leadership Retreat. It’s clear that Christina draws her motivation from an inner strength deep rooted inside along with her own personal experiences. She is bright and very funny, and her message was and is highly compelling. She left the leadership team energized by her presentation. She connected with every participant with her engaging manner and listened to everyone who had something to say. We are grateful for the opportunity to have spent a day with this wonderful speaker.”   ~  The H.O.M.E Society